Saturday, June 9, 2012

Reporters' group on Google

YOCee gets a lot of contribution from the student reporters who have enrolled for the year long programme. How do they get to report?
Some do have a nose for news and report on the events and happenings they observe.
Some need to be told why should share on where they had been to or what they had watched in their school.
Some need to be assigned to what they should report.
The YOCee team came up with an idea of making the assignments public and available to all the student reporters so that they can pick up the ones they line.
A Google Group exclusive to the Student Reporters.
All that is interesting and happening are posted there. The team posting them on to the group is just amazed at the speed with which the cub reporters respond to them!
In an hour the assignments are picked up!
Sometimes, we even receive two three reporters asking for reporting on the same event.
So, how do they benefit once they 'bid' for the assignment?
They get all the guidance on how to go about. They get to know the right contacts, who were earlier briefed about the role of cub reporters by the YOCee team. And file a great report for the readers.

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