Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Chennai Kids' Directory

It was more fun than task making the directory at YOCee.

Task because, we gathered details of learning places and activity centres from all over the city.

Fun because, the verification of details over phone calls connected to a variety of people.

Some thought we were another Credit Card marketing company and disconnected the calls. Some others thought, we were competitors to their centres and didn't want to 'disclose' the details. Some were really sweet to share info of not only their place, but of others who are also engaged in similar activities. But those people were from the unusual hobby centres like the The Hobby Club and the Anglers Club.

A few parents called up and shared the goods and bads of the classes their kids went to.

It was a great experience making the directory.
But we are waiting to see the output in front of our eyes. Release on April 2, 2010.

By the way, do you want to book a copy? Check out at

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